The Northeast Mycological Federation
NEMF’s main activity is its annual foray.On a rotating basis member clubs or groups of clubs host three days of fungus collection and identification, lectures and workshops. Topics often include fungus identification, mycophagy, medicinal uses, textile dyeing, papermaking and photography.
Gary Gilbert
Our 2024 Foray was held from October 11-14th in Hyannis, Cape Cod.

Thanks to all our attendees, mycologists, lecturers and workshop presenters, sponsors, vendors, host clubs, and volunteers for making the 2024 foray on Cape Cod the best it could be. Check back soon for photos, species lists, and more!

2024 Foray Sponsors: Thanks so much!

About NEMF
Welcome to NEMF – The Northeast Mycological Federation!
NEMF was incorporated as a New York not-for-profit organization with the following mission:
“To stimulate interest in mycology and to provide a forum where both amateur and professional mycologists can share their experiences and knowledge and work together cooperatively in studying the fungal flora of Northeastern America for scientific and educational purposes….”
Our annual foray brings more than 250 attendees to beautiful locations across the Northeast and offers a wide variety of educational opportunities during each foray.